Archive for October, 2008


October 31, 2008

I am a single 20 something guy who is going to school, dating and working like most my age. I am also and addict to pornography. It seems like a big problem to me because I can’t just casually discard it despite how much I want to. I never liked the word addict because I put so much emphasis on it and the meaning I thought I understood as being something I could not stop. I went on to think that if I couldn’t stop it then there was no hope so to have hope I had to NOT think of myself as an addict. I now believe the definition to be someone who cannot stop on their own. I don’t believe I am alone and now I can say I am an addict and I have hope.


At first I was worried to start with this blog. I even tried to start writing a few times but got frustrated when no matter what it seemed I typed ever came across to me as perfect. It was only when I realized that this too is not something I have to be perfect at that I became comfortable with it. Having said that I want you to know that I will make mistakes (spelling, grammatical and even trains of thought) but I still do this because I know it helps me and I hope that it may give comfort or help to others who struggle as I do or who feel alone and week in secret.


I too hope that you will read and pass this along to anyone who may benefit.



Am I addicted to pornography?

October 29, 2008

First off if you are even asking yourself this question you most likely are.  Pornography addiction does not seem to be fully recognized for what it is today.  It is more excepted and looked at as being normal by society.  I think this is why so many people don’t think of pornography in their life as being an addiction.  But lets call it as it is and be honest with ourselves, pornography is a very real addiction.  I have heard it said that a pornography addiction is harder to break free from than alcohol or even hard core drugs.  But still most people do not look at or even think of pornography as being an addiction.  

I could really start in on the evils of pornography and what it can do to you or how can can destroy lives but I will save that for now.  

I am addicted to pornography.  I remember there was a time that I didn’t look at it as an addiction in my life.  I thought of it as something that I just looked at every now and then, more of a bad habit that I needed to stop.  I kept trying to stop looking at it and seeking it out but sure enough it would pop back into my life.  I would really try to stop but for some reason as much as I wanted to stop I kept falling back in.  I couldn’t figure out why I was so week, I would get down on myself and even punish myself.  It wasn’t until after I admitted to myself that I was addicted that I was able to start the process of turning my life around and gaining control over my addiction.  I was then able to start looking at in the right way understand that it was not something that I could just stop doing, I needed to change the way I did things in my life and the way I looked at things, I needed to get help.  Anyone who tried to get through a pornography addiction alone is fighting a losing battle, get help, don’t let it remain a secret.  

I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes, I think it goes well with this-

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. (Albert Einstein)



My Addiction

October 18, 2008

I guess to start things out I will tell you a little bit about myself.  I am a married man with three children.  I would like to think of myself as a good father and husband, I try my hardest to be there for my family and provide for my family, and I would say I do a pretty good job at it.  

But I have one area of my life that has been a struggle for me for quite some time now.  I have been struggling with an addiction to pornography for a long time now.  

I did look at pornography a few times before I was married but the problem really started after I was married.  Since then there have been high points where I have done better and low points. I would say that I am doing much better in my life right now but I cannot say the temptation is gone.

I hope to use this blog as something for myself to express my feelings and thoughts on my addiction mainly.  I also hope that my experiences and thoughts on the subject might be able to help others in some way.

Please feel free to read along and share this with friends and family that you think this blog can help.

