I am a single 20 something guy who is going to school, dating and working like most my age. I am also and addict to pornography. It seems like a big problem to me because I can’t just casually discard it despite how much I want to. I never liked the word addict because I put so much emphasis on it and the meaning I thought I understood as being something I could not stop. I went on to think that if I couldn’t stop it then there was no hope so to have hope I had to NOT think of myself as an addict. I now believe the definition to be someone who cannot stop on their own. I don’t believe I am alone and now I can say I am an addict and I have hope.


At first I was worried to start with this blog. I even tried to start writing a few times but got frustrated when no matter what it seemed I typed ever came across to me as perfect. It was only when I realized that this too is not something I have to be perfect at that I became comfortable with it. Having said that I want you to know that I will make mistakes (spelling, grammatical and even trains of thought) but I still do this because I know it helps me and I hope that it may give comfort or help to others who struggle as I do or who feel alone and week in secret.


I too hope that you will read and pass this along to anyone who may benefit.



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